Gearboxes from WITTENSTEIN guarantee precise positioning at Voortman
Among other things, Dutch company Voortman manufactures machines for beam and plate processing. For customers, it’s important that their products comply with the specified tolerances precisely. To guarantee this, Voortman’s designers must develop robust and highly reliable systems. It’s vital, for example, that workpieces can be positioned precisely in the machine. To this end, the machine tool manufacturer relies on low-backlash gearboxes from WITTENSTEIN. For instance, with their high repeat accuracy, they ensure that holes can always be punched into the workpieces at the intended locations.
In addition, our servo technology enables very lightweight and very heavy plates to be processed with the same drive motor. Positioning is consistently precise and is slowed down only slightly by very heavy plates.

+49 7931 493-0
Interview with Voortman’s Lead Engineer
Learn from Bart de Jong why he relies on our gearboxes